For some reason I've never been able to get this plugin to actually do what I think it should be doing.

For example, I just commented out a method declaration in an interface, thinking to myself "well surely THAT breaks the previous API..." but clirr just ignores it.

I do see an odd message tho:

[INFO] --- clirr-maven-plugin:2.4:check (default-cli) @ smx3.api ---
[INFO] Comparing to version: 5.0.20
[INFO] smx3.api.ApplicationManager: Class smx3.api.ApplicationManager added

This is the interface I changed, in fact - ALL classes in the various artifacts list here saying "added", however - since they were in the previous released artifact, are they really added?


PS: I probably should take this to a clirr specific list, but I'm here currently :)

On 12/03/12 7:27 AM, Dennis Lundberg wrote:
To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin

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