Sounds like a bug when building a multi-module project. File a JIRA
ticket with a test project to recreate the issue.
Also, if you're not using Maven 3, try to build with that as well to
see if that solves the problem.


On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 10:06, Markus Karg <> wrote:
> I am using the ear and acr plugins to build an ear that contains an
> app-client. It all works well but one thing is always wrong:
> The car must use <addClasspath>true</addClasspath> so the client will
> find the needed libraries. When those libraries are SNAPSHOTs, the
> created manifest entry contains not "SNAPSHOT" but the latest date (as
> usual with SNAPSHOTs). But the ear plugin doesn't care for this. It
> always uses "SNAPSHOT" (the word, not the latest version). As a result,
> at runtime the client will not find the needed libraries, as it looks
> for it by date, but it actually is named "SNAPSHOT".
> For me this looks like a bug in the conception of the EAR plugin: It
> must not statically build the name from the version string, but it
> certainly needs to use the actual name of the artifact (here: the date
> of the snapshot).
> Is that really a bug or am I too dumb to see the light? ;-)
> Regards
> Markus

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