Hello all, thanks for all those long replies.

Ron, I would be happy to follow any good practice and to comply to the way 
maven does things.
But in this particular case, I wasn't able to find anything to comply to. I am 
indeed describing the usage of a parent POM, but with the exception that only 
*one* parent POM is likely to be not enough for my purpose.

As pointed out by Curtis and Laird, my problem seems to boil down to a lack of 
multi-inheritance and/or include mechanism.
By the way, bravo guys, you used the exact words I was trying not to hear. More 
seriously, I didn't start by the "simple" explanation because I thought it was 
obviously leading to this issue, and I was hoping there was something else 
behind that which I had not been able to see. Well, seems there is not.

About transforming my graph into a tree as said Curtis, the only way I can 
think of is to group all different configurations in one POM, from which I can 
then inherit to add deployment information for each project.
And the only way to group configurations I know are profiles, but, as said in 
my first post, I already use profiles for another purpose so it's not working 
(missing an AND behavior in activations).
Besides, using profiles to produce an alternate artifact seems to be considered 
bad practice (read this in various place, here is the one I remember: 

Anyway, I I'll use one of the dependency packaging methods given by Wayne and 
Laird, keep inheritance for the plugin configuration, and try something with 
the properties plugin for the deployment information.
I just found a properties plugin modification making possible to get the 
property file from a dependency, this way the file can be deployed. Could be a 
good way to make those deployment information available from any bundle (but 
I'll have to start writing plugins, not happy with that).


A note: to follow Laird remark about POM inclusions, I always wondered what 
could be forbidding such includes, while it is already possible to "merge" 
several configurations through profiles.
Maybe it has just never been done (hence the future mixins).

Thanks again for all your valuable advices.


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