Here is a dev scenario :

We are using maven 3 + artifactory + microst TFS server

We dont want to over write an existing version of an artifact in our
company repo , so the the consumers of artifacts should not be surprised
all the sudden when producers update artifact.

Now this can simply be done by removing delete permissions in artifactory
but then that causes another problem. In multi module maven project if one
module changes then either dev need to modify version on all artifacts (
which doesnt make sense ) or then need to modify individual pom and publish
only the artifact that is changes * which again is not manageable )

So need some advice on how this can be handled ?

I have couple of thoughts :

- Before running mvn command , write some thing custom to go through all
pom's and query artifactory is version of artifact exist. if yes then dont
compile. Basically compile only artifacts who version doesnt exist in
artifactory using "mvn -pl "

- Try Jenkins , I know jenkins is aware of modules in project , but not
sure if it intelligent enough to compile only those which are changed ?

Please advice


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