
> Yes, Starting/stopping
> Deploying to an instance (whatever that means)
> The most important thing I was thinking of is testing. That means 
testing a
> web application with apache httpd and selenium. Testing a web app that
> requires mod_rewrite won't work at the moment because tomcat and jetty 
> not aware of .htaccess and mod_rewrite and therefor the requests will 
> be redirected to the correct php/perl/cgi scripts. Having a web.xml with
> servlet mappings that are similar to the .htaccess rewrite rules for 
> supporting maven tests sounds not good for me.

Is it really necessary to start and stop a webserver from within Maven 
solely for the purpose of testing? Wouldn't it be easier to simply let 
Apache run in the background, for example on a dedicated machine or build 
server etc., (re-)deploy your artifact(s) and then start testing?

If you still need starting/stopping the Apache instance from within a 
Maven build, I'd suggest you have a look at the exec plugin ([1]) and 
start and stop your Apache instance directly via "apachectl -k 

[1] http://mojo.codehaus.org/exec-maven-plugin/



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