Hi org.apache.maven.user,

> I avoided this because I assumed that the modules of the aggregator
> would have to exist as subdirectories of the project. Is this actually
> the case?

Yep, you'd have to have a working copy of each module in its own
subdirectory. Your original statement was that you "have a set of projects,
with some interdependencies" so it wasn't clear to me whether you want
every project in question to link to all the others' javadoc, or whether
you just have one downstream project that could link into all of the
dependencies' existing javadoc sites. Hopefully you don't have circular
dependencies (even indirectly) and the latter is sufficient.


On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 4:47 AM, <org.apache.maven.u...@io7m.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 13:10:08 -0500
> Curtis Rueden <ctrue...@wisc.edu> wrote:
> > Hi org.apache.maven.user,
> >
> > > What's the simplest way to generate (aggregated) javadoc
> > > for this set of projects?
> >
> > Is it enough that your javadocs cross-link with each other at their
> > respective published locations?
> >
> > If so, you can add the links to the maven-javadoc-plugin
> > configuration. E.g.:
> >
> >       <plugin>
> >         <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
> >         <version>2.8.1</version>
> >         <configuration>
> >           <links>
> >             <link>https://pivot.apache.org/2.0.1/docs/api/</link>
> >             <link>
> >
> http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/api/
> > </link>
> >           </links>
> >         </configuration>
> >       </plugin>
> >
> > Replacing the links with your published javadoc locations, of course.
> Yeah, that'll work. Thanks!
> > > I can't modify the pom files of the individual projects
> >
> > I haven't tested it, but presumably you could create a new aggregator
> > POM that includes the individual projects as modules, and set the
> > aggregator's javadoc configuration as above. Then run "mvn site" and
> > wait for the magic.
> I avoided this because I assumed that the modules of the aggregator
> would have to exist as subdirectories of the project. Is this actually
> the case?
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