Hello Chad,

I think the behavior is the same, here's what I did:

* I built multi-module project with mvn clean install - now all artifact
are in my local repository.
* I changed directory to the "top-level" module, which depends on other
modules in the project and executed mvn clean install -U - Maven went to
the remote repository for maven-metadata.xml.

The only thing to check is whether Maven does the same next day without -U
option. But I think it's logical that Maven checks for updates even for
locally installed snapshots - otherwise, if you installed snapshot locally,
it would block updates from remote repository.

htfv (Aliaksei Lahachou)

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 10:53 PM, <chad.da...@emc.com> wrote:

> I understand that a SNAPSHOT dependency will be pulled from my local
> repository, and once a day maven will make a check for a newer version in
> remote repositories known to the build.  Is this behavior the same if the
> SNAPSHOT dependency in local was built and installed from a local build?

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