If those tests should always run, why have them in a profile??

On 23.07.2012 17:26, Andreas Riedel wrote:
> Hello users,
> I have the following problem:
>    - One system must be compiled with two different JDK.
>    - I have two test suites, one for smoke test, one for all.
> Base scenario:
>    - Two profiles, 'SmokeTest' activate by default, 'All' activate by
>      switch -P.
>    - One additional profile with dependencies only required for build by
>      JDK 1.5. At JDK 1.6 these dependencies are part of the JDK itself.
> In the POM this is realize as follow:
>    <profiles>
>      <profile>
>        <id>smokeTest</id>
>        <activation>
>          <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault>
>        </activation>
>        <build>
>          <plugins>
>            <plugin>
>              <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>              <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>              <configuration>
>                <suiteXmlFiles>
>                  <suiteXmlFile>src/test/misc/smoke.testng.xml</suiteXmlFile>
>                </suiteXmlFiles>
>              </configuration>
>            </plugin>
>          </plugins>
>        </build>
>      </profile>
>      <profile>
>        <id>jdk__1_5</id>
>        <activation>
>          <jdk>1.5</jdk>
>        </activation>
>        <dependencies>
>          ...........
>        </dependencies>
>      </profile>
>      <profile>
>        <id>broadsideTest</id>
>        <build>
>          <plugins>
>            <plugin>
>              <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>              <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>              <configuration>
>                <suiteXmlFiles>
>                  <suiteXmlFile>......</suiteXmlFile>
>                  <suiteXmlFile>......</suiteXmlFile>
>                  <suiteXmlFile>......</suiteXmlFile>
>                  <suiteXmlFile>......</suiteXmlFile>
>                  <suiteXmlFile>......</suiteXmlFile>
>                  <suiteXmlFile>......</suiteXmlFile>
>                  <suiteXmlFile>......</suiteXmlFile>
>                  <suiteXmlFile>......</suiteXmlFile>
>                </suiteXmlFiles>
>              </configuration>
>            </plugin>
>          </plugins>
>        </build>
>      </profile>
>    </profiles>
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> What I need:
>    - Default test to run should always be the smoketest.
>    - Under JDK 1.5 the dependencies should be included, but the smoke
>      test should also run.
> And this is the problem:
>    - Under jdk 1.6 it works correct.
>    - With JDK 1.5 the profile for JDK 1.5 is taken. I understand the
>      logic, but for this scenario it is wrong.
>      It should be taken the dependencies from JDK 1.5 profiles and
>      additionally the smoketest should run.
>    - This means, the default behaviour should be something like:
>      >>>
>      mvn help:active-profiles -P smokeTest
>      The following profiles are active:
>       - smokeTest (source: pom)
>       - jdk__1_5 (source: pom)
>      <<<
> Any idea what would be the best way to realize this?
>    Andraes
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Roland Asmann
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