
I am using Maven 3.0.4 along with Jython 2.5.2 and Pygments 1.5 (via an
egg). I have configured the jython-compile-maven-plugin as,

        <!-- Install the latest pygments library -->

 Running *mvn install* the created JAR contains the *Pygments* library
embedded inside in a *Lib* folder. This makes sure that all my code works

The problem starts when I run a *mvn release:prepare* command. In this
case, only my code gets inside the JAR, and the *Pygments* library gets
left out. If I take a look inside the *target/classes* folder, it contains
both my code and the needed pygments library.

Any idea on what I may be missing or doing wrong?

I have also posted the question to StackOverflow:
Sandeep Gupta

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