
Is it possible to check out the skeleton at the same directory, and reuse it's files via ../skeleton/*?

Maybe not, but it's a suggestion...

Good Luck,

Warner Onstine wrote:
I recently was put on to a new project and spent most of yesterday puzzling through 
this and trying to figure out the best way to do this. Admittedly this is more than 
just a project layout question, there are some other larger issues at play here that I 
would like to pose to the list to help figure out the best way to do this.

We have a Struts application that was written for one client. This application was then used for 
another client (copy the code, modify, deploy). This happened many times, then they created a 
base application which could then be used as the "skeleton" app and created a client 
directories for only the files that needed to get modified. I now have the dubious honor of 
creating a new client and have been trying to mavenize it from the old ant build which contains 
many targets that are common to all client projects (ie - these would make great plugins).

Now I'm struggling with how to best incorporate the master skeleton files into this 
client project. Here is what I came up with, but would love feedback from others.

Option 1: One thing to do would be to copy the files from the skeleton in a 
pre-compile goal so that they get built along with the changed files. I would also 
need to do the same with the webapp files.

Option 2: Create a build for the master project that builds everything into a jar file and make 
a dependency on it. I would still have to copy the webapp files down to the client when building 
the war. And I also don't know if any "core" java files get modified in the client 
(they shouldn't, it should be an inheritance thing, but again I don't know).

That's about all I came up with, without rearchitecting the whole application at this 
time (which it undoubtedly needs, but I can't afford that time right now, hopefully in 
the near future I can examine this possibility further).

Hoping to hear some good suggestions.


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