
we use Putty no our Windows clients for depolyment to a Linux repository
machine. This is how it works for us.

start 'puttygen.exe' to generate public/private keys:

- 'SSH2 DSA'
- randomly move your mouse pointer over the window
- save public and private key
- add an user on the remote (local repository) machine
- copy 'Public key for pasting...' (the String starting with 'ssh-dss')
  in the file '$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys' on the repository machine
  ($HOME is the user home dir of the new added user)

start 'putty.exe' and configure the destination:

+-- Session
!   Hostname: <local-repository-machine>
!   Protocol: SSH
\-+ Connection
  ! Auto-login username: <username-on-repository-machine>
  \-+ SSH
    ! Preferred SSH protocol version: 2
    \-- Auth
        Private key file for authentication: <private-key-file>

back to
\-- Session
    Saved Sessions: <local-repository-machine>

Now the connection can be testet by double-clicking the entry in 'saved
sessions' list box. => login without typing the password.

It is important that there is an entry in (lives in
your home directory) that is *exactly* the same as the saved session.
Putty uses the configuration instead of directly trying to ssh the

Hope it helps.


Am Mo, den 23.08.2004 schrieb Per Abich um 22:35:
> I have tried to use putty with site:deploy on our local repository,
> but it alway promps me for a password _after_ I press CTRL-C.
> dist:deploy works fine using agent authentification & plink/pscp.
> Does anyone here got experience with this kind of trouble? Or maybe a
> short info on how to setup agent authentification for the internal
> ssh...
> Best Regards
> Per Abich
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