Hi Everyone-

I'm using the jar override property to use local jars in two projects. One project uses the reactor to call the build of the other project. The problem is that each project includes a property "maven.myproject.jars" specifying the location of the jar files. In one project.properties file, this reads:

maven.myproject.jars = ../../../../lib/jars

While in another it reads:

maven.myproject.jars = ../lib/jars

I then specify my jar override jars as in the following:

maven.myproject.myjar = ${maven.lib.jars}/myjar.jar

One project.xml inherits from the other, inheriting all properties. As a result, only one of these directories works depending on where you are. If I go to one project, I have to uncomment or comment out the "maven.myproject.jars" property from the other project. I've tried using the jelly tag to make these paths absolute, but the jar resolution and "download" happens before any code in maven.xml is executed, so this just doesn't work. Can I maybe declare the properties somewhere other than project.properties? Any advice would be much appreciated.



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