I need to write a goal to invoke the main() method of a class in my
Maven project.  Following suggestions in a recent thread on this list, I
am attempting this with the <ant:java/> tag.  The problem I am having is
with the classpath, which needs to include the project's dependencies.
First I tried to use ${maven.dependency.classpath}, like so:
    <goal name="perfmon:run">
        <ant:java jar="${basedir}/target/perfmon-0.1.jar" fork="true">
                <ant:path path="${maven.dependency.classpath}"/>

...which fails because apparently maven.dependency.classpath is not set
(according to the <echo/> tag).  My second attempt was to hardcode the
necessary dependencies, but this fails for a different reason:
    <goal name="perfmon:run">

>From 'maven -X perfmon:run', this appears to construct the correct
    [java] [DEBUG] Execute:Java13CommandLauncher: Executing 'java.exe'
with arguments:
'C:\Documents and
However, I still see
    [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
Any ideas?  I'm running Maven 1.0RC2, under Windows.  Is it having
trouble with the spaces in my maven.repo.local ("C:\Documents and
Settings\dcparsons\.maven\repository")?  I've tried many variations on
constructing the path, like refids and fileSets, etc., but the behaviour
is the same: no ${maven.dependency.classpath}, and no class found.
Stumped - David

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