On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Brian Topping <topp...@codehaus.org> wrote:

> Laird, any environment with multiple developers and multiple repositories
> is Exhibit 1 for using a repository manager like Nexus.

And I run one locally, and my company runs one as well.

> Once you have that running, one proxies remote repositories from central
> administration, not rely on users having the latest information or some
> combination of the latest information.

A user of my jpa-maven-plugin (http://github.com/ljnelson/jpa-maven-plugin)
was complaining that he didn't know what repos to proxy (EclipseLink in
particular staunchly refuses to migrate their stuff to Central; their repo
is broken; we've tried to get them to fix it for years).  We had an email
exchange about it during which I was sending him XML snippets for his
settings.xml.  I was wondering if there was some way to indicate in a
slightly more rigorous manner than just "here, copy and paste this hunk of
XML" to public consumers such as this what repositories to proxy in their
own Nexus setups, or, as in his case, in his own settings.xml (I have no
control over whether he sets up a repository manager or not).

I was looking for a semi-structured solution that would:

(a) Do The Right Thing (i.e. nothing) for those of us running repository
(b) provide information for those of us running repository managers on what
repositories to proxy, and
(c) provide a simple switch to let other users get what they need

It sounds like The Maven Way here is to not even bother with such a hybrid
approach but to fall back on documentation in some other artifact that is
not the pom.xml (because it's not good to put in information about where to
possibly find artifacts; that's not a property of your project? or
something like that).

Or, another way to put it: Nexus/Artifactory are effectively runtime
dependencies of Maven (that is, running without them is generally regarded
as awful, so a Maven without them is effectively crippled, so anyone who
runs Maven without a local repository gets what they deserve), so don't try
to do anything that would allow a user to run without them.

Is that more or less right?



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