On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 2:35 AM, <carlos.a.de.la....@accenture.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have a project that builds and then artifacts are automatically uploaded
> to our Nexus repository.  I have a special case where I need the code to
> build but I don't want the artifacts to be uploaded.
> I set up a profile for the special case.  However it is still trying to
> upload because it is inheriting the <distributionManagement> attributes
> from the parent.
> How can I tell this profile to NOT upload to the Nexus repo?  I tried
> putting dummy data under a <distributionManagement> tag inside the profile
> but that is causing the builds to fail.
> Thanks,
> Carlos

What command are you using?

mvn install
does everything locally, does not upload anything.

mvn deploy
does everything that "mvn install" does, plus uploads to

mvn release:perform
Automated some of the steps that you should be doing if you were to
manually run "mvn deploy".

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