The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven PDF Plugin, 
version 1.2

Generates a PDF document from the project site.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PDF Plugin - Version 1.2

* [MPDF-56] Pdf generation fails when there is no site
* [MPDF-52] Documentation-Issue
* [MPDF-44] pdf not copied to the generated site if filename contains a dot
* [MPDF-42] JIRA report generation fails if issue description contains < and >
* [MPDF-41] with maven 3 pdf failure if reporting section is not empty
* [MPDF-36] Cannot include extra images
* [MPDF-35] NPE when document descriptor has no meta information
* [MPDF-32] PDF generation fails due to velocity template error

* [MPDF-53] Add pt_BR localization
* [MPDF-45] Mark PDF plugin as threadSafe
* [MPDF-29] Improve figure scaling

New Feature
* [MPDF-39] Make validation configurable

* [MPDF-58] use maven-plugin-tools' java 5 annotations
* [MPDF-49] Upgrade to Doxia 1.2


-The Maven team

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