Hi all,

I have a multiple module build that I run thusly:
mvn --fail-never --batch-mode -U -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean install

At the end of the process my build system scans tests results reporting
fail / pass.

module-a had a test error and continued to package its artifacts and move
on to the next module
module-b had a test error, failed the module and moved on to the next module
module-c built normally

I have artifacts for A and C but not B.   I see nothing in the maven logs
about why one test "error" stopped the rest of module-b while it did not
for module-a.

Can anyone think of what might make surefire fail the module?   FYI, my
surefire module time out was not reached.



Peter Kahn
Awareness - Intention - Action

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