
I am currently setting up a new Maven plugin project and am currently faced 
with the following problem:

I have fefined a dafaultLifecycle which defines which mojos should generally be 
invoked in which phase. My problem now is that I would like to have different 
implementations used for performing the tasks. There should allways be a 
default mojo/component that is used if the user doesn't specify which 
implementation he wants to use, but should offer a way to tell the build to use 
a different implementation.

Would it be good to have some sort of "proxy-mojo" that is allways called and 
then relays to an implementation component based upon the configuration, or 
would it be better do define completely independent Mojos?  The Internet seems 
to be full of tutorials on creating Maven plugins, but I haven't found a single 
one dealing with this particular problem.

Help greatly appreciated,

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