Can you create a jira entry with a sample ?

2012/12/18 Baptiste Gaillard <>:
> Hi and thanks for the response,
> My Mojo already overwrites the isExternalReport() function and returns true
> into it.
> To deep a little more I've tried to debug the execution of the Mojo when
> running a 'mvn site' command using that Mojo.
> It seems that the function 'executeReport' associated to a reporting Mojo
> is called before 'isExternalReport' is used.
> The 'execute' method associated to the 'AbstractMavenReport' (I'm using
> 'maven-reporting-impl' version 2.2)   class contains the following lines :
>         Writer writer = null;
>         try
>         {
>             File outputDirectory = new File( getOutputDirectory() );
>             String filename = getOutputName() + ".html";
>             Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
>             SiteRenderingContext siteContext = new SiteRenderingContext();
>             siteContext.setDecoration( new DecorationModel() );
>             siteContext.setTemplateName(
> "org/apache/maven/doxia/siterenderer/resources/default-site.vm" );
>             siteContext.setLocale( locale );
>             RenderingContext context = new RenderingContext(
> outputDirectory, filename );
>             SiteRendererSink sink = new SiteRendererSink( context );
>             generate( sink, null, locale );
> ...
> The 'generate' function then calls the reporting mojo 'executeReport'
> function, so I think my locking problems comes from one of the following
> calls :
>     - 'new RenderingContext'
>     - 'new SiteRendererSink'
> Do you have any other ideas ?
> Perhaps I should post this message on the developer Mailing List, my
> problems seems to be linked to what Maven (or the 'maven-reporting-impl
> plugin executes internally ?
> Thanks,
> Baptiste
> 2012/12/16 Robert Scholte <>
>> This is probably what you need:
>> from org.apache.maven.reporting.**MavenReport.isExternalReport()
>>     /**
>>      * An external report is a report which calls a third party program
>> which generates some reports too.
>>      * A good example is javadoc tool.
>>      *
>>      * @return <tt>true</tt> if this report is external, <tt>false</tt>
>> otherwise.
>>      * Default should be <tt>false</tt>.
>>      */
>>     boolean isExternalReport();
>> Op Tue, 11 Dec 2012 23:42:43 +0100 schreef Baptiste Gaillard <
>>  Hi, I'm currently creating a new Maven Reporting Plugin which integrate an
>>> external tool used to generate a Javascript documentation in my Maven Web
>>> Site.
>>> My report Mojo is very simple and is declared using :
>>> /**
>>>  * @goal jsduck
>>>  * @phase site
>>>  */
>>> public class JSDuckReportMojo extends AbstractMavenReport {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> I encounter a file locking problem (i.e already opened elsewhere and not
>>> closed) at the beginning of my 'executeReport' method :
>>> *
>>> protected void executeReport(Locale locale) throws MavenReportException {
>>>     // JSDuck creates an 'index.html' file itself and crashes if one file
>>> with this name already exist
>>>     File jsduckIndex = new File("target/site/jsduck/**index.html");
>>>     if (jsduckIndex.exists() && !jsduckIndex.delete()) {
>>>         throw new MavenReportException("Fail to delete the previously
>>> generated index.html !"
>>> );
>>>     }
>>>     // Use a document generator which absolutly need to have an empty
>>> target directory
>>>     ...
>>> }
>>> *
>>> The tool I'm integrating is called 'jsduck' and absolutely needs to have
>>> an
>>> empty target directory to work, its root index file is called
>>> 'index.html'.
>>> So I've also implemented the 'getOutputName' function :
>>> public String getOutputName() {
>>> return "jsduck/index";
>>> }
>>> But, the file 'target/site/jsduck/index.**html' has already been created
>>> automagically by Maven.
>>> In the 'executeReport' this file is there, empty and locked !
>>> So, I can't delete this 'index.html' file and let JSDuck create itself :-(
>>> Is it normal that Maven locks this 'index.html' file (because it has been
>>> declared in the 'getOutputName()' ) ?
>>> How can I unlock this file inside the 'executeReport' function to let
>>> JSDuck generate my documentation ?
>>> I've already tried to debug the 'AbstractMavenReport' class and only found
>>> a 'PrintWriter' attached to the 'Sink' (in the 'execute' method) which
>>> could cause this locking problem.
>>> Calling the 'close' method at the beginning of the 'executeReport' method
>>> seems to have no effect...
>>> Thanks for you help,
>>> Baptiste
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> *Baptiste GAILLARD*
> *Mobile : +33(6) 85 12 81 26  <http://+33%286%29%2085%2012%2081%2026%20/>*
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Olivier Lamy
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