Not an answer for you but an FYI: Maven trunk has moved to git

On 7 January 2013 13:47, Stadelmann Josef <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I did
> openVMS>
> bash$ svn co trunk
> bash$ mvn clean install
> bash$
>  all the build steps indicates SUCCESS; lets do a cd and inspect
> bash$ cd /dka3/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/apache-maven/3.1-SNAPSHOT
> bash$ ls -l
> total 10205
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129       5206734 Jan  7 12:12
> apache-maven-3.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129       5234859 Jan  7 12:12
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129          1113 Jan  7 12:12
> apache-maven-3.1-SNAPSHOT-site.xml
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129          5569 Jan  7 12:12
> apache-maven-3.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129           316 Jan  7 12:12
> maven-metadata-local.xml
> openVMS> copy apache-maven-3.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz sys$login:
> apache-maven-3.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
> openVMS> set def sys$login
> openVMS>bash
> bash$ gnutar -vzxf apache-maven-3.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
> and I get the just built maven-3.1-snapshot installed
> Now I am facing one problem I've never seen before.
> ***************************************************
> bash$ cd $HOME/apache-maven-3.1-SNAPSHOT
> bash$ ls -l
> total 13
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129           230 Jan  7 12:12 m2.conf
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129          6152 Jan  7 12:12 mvn.bat
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129          6306 Jan  7 12:12 mvnDebug.bat
> I am facing the following problem!
> why was mvn and mvnDebug (the shell files) not packaged into my target
> *tar.gz file?
> lets look at the sources
> openVMS> set def
> DKA3:[SW-PROJEKTE.asf.maven.maven-3.trunk.apache-maven.src.bin]
> bash$ ls -l
> total 31
> drwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129           512 Oct 30 16:27 _svn
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129           222 Oct 30 16:27 m2.conf
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129          5807 Jan  7 11:28 mvn
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129          5955 Jan  7 11:28 mvn.bat
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129          5955 Jan  7 11:28 mvnDebug
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129          6106 Jan  7 11:28 mvnDebug.bat
> -rwxr-x---   1 STADELMA 129          6115 Jan  7 11:28 mvnyjp
> bash$
> all there, just not packaged with my tar.gz and maybe .zip file
> any hints welcome
> Josef
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