
yes, I'd like to look at your plugin if that's possible. if you don't want to check in the source just yet, you can email me directly with the plugin.



I just start a similar work. I use multiproject to create a webapp structure where the web application could be the maven main project or only a sub project and the modules are sub project. This part of my plugin should work.

I plan to add the possibility to use war artifact as struts module, unzip them .. as you see. I have an other plugin that do the same thing so it will not be really are to adapte it.

The plugin isn't online actually because some fonctionnality are not finish ! But I start a sourceforge project for it I can commit the actual state if you when to take a look.


Nathan Coast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01/09/2004 05:25
Veuillez répondre à "Maven Users List"

Pour : struts-user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Maven Users <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc : Objet : struts module maven plugin


I'm thinking of developing a maven plugin for struts modules. I want to check that this isn't being done by anyone else and to get feedback from the struts / maven communities.

The idea came from working on LogWeb When producing distros I have to produce a number of builds, including instructions on how to install each of them within your application.

1) standalone web app
2) module for bundling within struts web application
3) module for bundling within non-struts web application

It then occured to me that this process would be made easier if I split the project into two:
1) a web application
2) a struts module
It then followed that a struts module maven plugin would be useful to automate the process of packaging modules and installing them into web applications.

Some possible advantages of this approach to assembling web-applications:
1) automate process of bundling 3rd party web application modules within your web-app - e.g logweb, pow2acl etc. etc.
2) reduced build size / deploy time. If you have a large multi-module web-app, during development you could split your project into modules compiling & deploying only the modules you're currently working on.

what this plugin could do
1) assemble modules and install them in the repo
2) obtain dependent modules and unzip them into a web-app at assembly time
3) modify web.xml to add module <init-param>


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