The beauty of implementing a maven-plugin is that all attributes of the plugin 
are configurable 
open struts2-osgi-plugin.jar
look for<bean name="osgi" type="com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.PackageProvider" 
class="org.apache.struts2.osgi.OsgiConfigurationProvider" />
as long as your com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.PackageProvider (felix provider) 

then substitute in the felix PackageProvider to class attribute at
<bean name="osgi" type="com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.PackageProvider" 
class="org.apache.struts2.osgi.OsgiConfigurationProvider" />
 save .\META-INF\maven\plugin.xml/close/rejar/place struts2-osgi-plugin.jar 
back into lib folder (after saving original as 
struts2-osgi-plugin.jar.original) if you do not redirect the PackageProvider 
this Struts-osgi-Listener will be called as seen here from Provider code 

public class OsgiConfigurationProvider implements PackageProvider, 
BundleListener {
    private static final Logger LOG = 

    private Configuration configuration;
    private ObjectFactory objectFactory;

    private OsgiHost osgiHost;
    private BundleContext bundleContext;
    private BundleAccessor bundleAccessor;
    private boolean bundlesChanged = false;
    private ServletContext servletContext;

    public void init(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException 
        osgiHost = (OsgiHost) 
        bundleContext = osgiHost.getBundleContext();
        this.configuration = configuration;

        //this class loader interface can be used by other plugins to lookup 
        //from the bundles. A temporary class loader interface is set during 
other configuration
        //loading as well
servletContext.setAttribute(ClassLoaderInterface.CLASS_LOADER_INTERFACE, new 
where servletContext Listener is set to 
  org.apache.struts2.osgi.StrutsOsgiListener public class StrutsOsgiListener 
implements ServletContextListener {
    public static final String OSGI_HOST = "__struts_osgi_host";
    private FelixOsgiHost osgiHost;    public void 
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
        ServletContext servletContext = sce.getServletContext();
        osgiHost = new FelixOsgiHost();
        servletContext.setAttribute(OSGI_HOST, osgiHost);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new StrutsException("Apache Felix failed to start", e);
    } org.apache.struts2.osgi.FelixOsgiHost init will be called
   public void init(ServletContext servletContext) {
        this.servletContext = servletContext;
  protected void startFelix() {
        //load properties from felix embedded file
        Properties configProps = getProperties("");        // 
Copy framework properties from the system properties.
        replaceSystemPackages(configProps);        //struts, xwork and felix 
exported packages
        Properties strutsConfigProps = getProperties("");
        addExportedPackages(strutsConfigProps, configProps);        //find 
bundles and adde em to autostart property
        addAutoStartBundles(configProps);        // Bundle cache
        String storageDir = System.getProperty("") + 
        configProps.setProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE, storageDir);
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug("Storing bundles at [#0]", storageDir);        String 
cleanBundleCache = getServletContextParam("struts.osgi.clearBundleCache", 
        if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(cleanBundleCache)) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                LOG.debug("Clearing bundle cache");
        }        //other properties
        configProps.put(FelixConstants.SERVICE_URLHANDLERS_PROP, "false");
getServletContextParam("struts.osgi.logLevel", "1"));
        configProps.put(FelixConstants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH, ".");
getServletContextParam("struts.osgi.runLevel", "3"));        try {
            List<BundleActivator> list = new ArrayList<BundleActivator>();
            list.add(new AutoActivator(configProps));
            configProps.put(FelixConstants.SYSTEMBUNDLE_ACTIVATORS_PROP, list); 
           felix = new Felix(configProps);
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
                LOG.trace("Apache Felix is running");
        catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Couldn't start Apache Felix", ex);
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 > Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 12:04:32 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Using Struts2 OSGi plugin with GlassFish
> Hello.
> I am trying to use the Struts2 OSGi plugin and have tried creating a web 
> application containing the struts2-osgi-demo-bundle. All goes well when 
> deploying the application on Tomcat, however when I try deploying on 
> GlassFish (which has Felix included) I get a number of errors which I 
> understand are due to the fact that the plugin starts a new Felix 
> instance while another one is already running on GlassFish and that 
> certain Felix classes are present more than one times in the classpath 
> (one from the Felix jars included in the application as dependencies of 
> the plugin and one from the felix.jar already included in GlassFish). 
> More details on the actual errors are available in this stackoverflow 
> post - 
> My question is: is there any specific configuration I should make in 
> order to use the OSGi plugin in GlassFish (or any other container 
> including Felix for that matter)?
> Thank you,
> Christina
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