Here are the steps in my proccess:

Edit code,
Local build and test,
Check code in,
Apply Label to all files in my application,
Request Build based on label using Corporate Build system. (It gets code
based on the label and builds it, packages it and deploys it to Nexus then
to the Target App WAS servers.

During this process the pom file gets changed to satisfy the build #.
Now the POM files is different from the one that has been labeled.
Audit does not like the fact that the pom file changes during the build.
Would like to see the build version passed as a parameter so the pom file
does not get changed during the build.



On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Wayne Fay <> wrote:

> > Let's say I make a label on my application and I build that application
> > based on that label.
> What does "make a label on my application" mean? Are you talking about
> tagging a build in source code?
> > I still need to modify the POM file to set the version.  I do not want to
> > change files that have been labeled.  Is my understanding wrong?
> You need to describe things more completely if you want a better
> answer from this list.
> Wayne
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Patrick D. Haggerty

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