
I am currently confronted with a strange problem. I am trying to get a Maven 
project using AspectJ Compile Time Weaving in IntelliJ. The source code level 
is set to 1.7 and uses some 1.7 language features. The aspectjtools-1.6.11 
which is used by the aspectj-maven-plugin per default can't deal with this, 
therefore we changed the aspectjtools version to 1.7.1. The build is building 
nicely using maven. The pom fragments look like this:




When importing the project to IntelliJ the compiler is automatically set to ajc 
but the compiler from 1.6.1 is detected and used automatically and I have to 
manually change this to 1.7.1 (and repeat this now and then after updating the 
Maven settings).

When issueing the following command on the commandline:

mvn -P aspectj-weaving dependency:resolve-plugins

I can see:

[INFO] Plugin Resolved: aspectj-maven-plugin-1.4.jar
[INFO]     Plugin Dependency Resolved: plexus-utils-2.0.5.jar
[INFO]     Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-artifact-2.2.0.jar
[INFO]     Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-model-2.2.0.jar
[INFO]     Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-project-2.2.0.jar
[INFO]     Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-reporting-api-2.2.0.jar
[INFO]     Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-plugin-api-2.2.0.jar
[INFO]     Plugin Dependency Resolved: doxia-site-renderer-1.1.2.jar
[INFO]     Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-reporting-impl-2.1.jar
[INFO]     Plugin Dependency Resolved: aspectjtools-1.6.11.jar
There is no mention of a 1.7.1 version ... why and how can I configure Maven to 
display the 1.7.1 version (I think this is the reason why IntelliJ is 
automatically detecting 1.7.1


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