
I like to write a maven plug-in that allow me to generate source java code using reflection. I mean: using reflection Ibrowse some java classes in src/main/java and generate new one (in target/generated...). To read with reflection source classes I think
the plug-in must activate after the compile phase i.e. process-classes.
But it can be that some others classes in src/main/java depends on generated classes.These won't compile.

Any help with this workflow? Modules? Usinga java source code parser ? More projects?

Is somethink like jpa enhancer but maded on source code!

Thanks in advance for any help!

*Davide Montesin* - Java - Android - HTML5 - XML - JSON - Open source - Software Project Management - Agile - Bolzano - Bozen - Alto Adige - Südtirol - Italy
E-mail : d...@vide.bz <mailto:d...@vide.bz>
Website: www.davide.bz <http://www.davide.bz>

My java projects:
source-to-reflection <http://www.davide.bz/2-en-source-to-reflection.html>: Java Fast High Performance Reflection For J2SE J2EE Android GWT Open Source Project object-xmljson <http://www.davide.bz/3-en-object-xmljson.html>: Java Fast High Performance XML JSON Converter Mapping Binding J2SE J2EE Android GWT No Annotation Open Source Project seo-friendly-ria-web <http://www.davide.bz/4-en-seo-friendly-ria-web.html>: Java SEO Friendly RIA HTML5 Open Source Project

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