
I have a project with a lot of unit test and I really like the features of
this plugin.. I put it in my maven project but I don't know how to use it..
Could you explain me that, please.. and, if possible, how to use inside
eclipse ide.



On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Kristian Rosenvold

> The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven
> Surefire Plugin, version 2.13
> This release includes the maven-surefire-plugin, which executes the
> unit tests of an application, the maven-surefire-report-plugin, which
> parses surefire/failsafe test results and renders them to DOXIA
> creating the web interface version of the test results, as well as the
> maven-failsafe-plugin, which executes the integration tests of an
> application.
> Notable changes are;
> A) Much improved summary of what went wrong when tests failed
> B) Reusable forks supported for parallel builds; reuserForks="true"
> gives forkMode="always" on stereoids
> C) Stack trace trimming now works for JUnit4.x. The itch you didn't
> know you had until it was scratched.
> D) Includes and excludes can be read form file.
> E) Nasty thread safey issue in parallel junit 4.x when class was
> annotated with @Ignore.
> You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:
> <plugin>
>   <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>   <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>   <version>2.13</version>
> </plugin>
> Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.13
> ** Bug
>     * [SUREFIRE-800] - redirectTestOutputToFile is not taken into
> account in all cases with JUnit47 provider
>     * [SUREFIRE-842] - maven-failsafe-plugin V 2.12 conceils issue
> #TRUEZIP-227
>     * [SUREFIRE-892] - Surefire Report Plugin crashes on
> failsafe-summary.xml
>     * [SUREFIRE-910] - Surefire 2.12.1 fails with "The forked VM
> terminated without saying properly goodbye"
>     * [SUREFIRE-913] - forkMode always - RejectedExecutionException
> when > 500 tests
>     * [SUREFIRE-915] - runOrder=failedfirst runs new tests last
>     * [SUREFIRE-916] - surefire.junit4.upgradecheck fails with
> ClassCastException: java.lang.Class cannot be cast to java.lang.String
>     * [SUREFIRE-918] - Phase post-integration-test not executed when
> tests are timed out with option 'forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds'
>     * [SUREFIRE-920] - -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true isn't honored
>     * [SUREFIRE-926] - Multiple Providers, last one overwrites status
> of first...
>     * [SUREFIRE-930] - Regression - Failsafe does not execute TestCases
>     * [SUREFIRE-931] - Surefire crashes if test depends on unknown group
>     * [SUREFIRE-933] - forkMode onceperthread broken after fix for
> JUnit category filter with empty result
>     * [SUREFIRE-937] - Test count intermittently incorrect with
> parallel junit provider
>     * [SUREFIRE-939] - Class level @Ignore would create incorrect
> shared state for parallel junit tests
>     * [SUREFIRE-940] - Maven-failsafe-plugin do not run the TestNG.xml
> specified
>     * [SUREFIRE-942] - surefire + testng suite doesn't do anything
> ** Improvement
>     * [SUREFIRE-561] - after running test, when tests fail, it's hard
> to the find the failure reason
>     * [SUREFIRE-839] - If no tests are found that would match a given
> JUnit category, mvn test should not fail in multi-module project
>     * [SUREFIRE-925] - All includes and excludes to be read from files
>     * [SUREFIRE-927] - configFailurePolicy is not supported on
> Surefire plugin though it is supported on TestNG ant task
>     * [SUREFIRE-932] - Improve or remove logging of TestNG configurator
>     * [SUREFIRE-935] - Implement trimStackTrace  for JUnit 4.x
>     * [SUREFIRE-936] - Make it easier to see which tests fail
> ** New Feature
>     * [SUREFIRE-751] - Support parallel/fork mode similar to
> http://maven-junit-plugin.kenai.com/
>     * [SUREFIRE-882] - Fork x parallel JVMs once
> ** Task
>     * [SUREFIRE-924] - generate every Surefire artifact site in
> /surefire and redirect previous
> /plugins/maven-(surefire|failsafe|surefire-report)-plugin
>     * [SUREFIRE-934] - Remove getLocatedClasses() and size() from
> TestsToRun
> Enjoy,
> -The Apache Maven team
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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