I'm using jelly:xml <transform> tag in a simple plugin and get an error message like
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File...... D:\Data\ApacheMaven\.maven\cache\maven-evavi-plugin-1.0\plugin.jelly
Element... x:transform
Line...... 66
Column.... 57
Provider for javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory cannot be found
Total time: 5 seconds
Finished at: Fri Sep 03 10:06:46 CDT 2004

Now I got two solutions:
1. put a xalan jar file in %MAVEN_HOME%/lib/endorsed
2. call maven command with -Djava.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl argument
Both of them are dirty for me.
And I tried to add <properties><classpath> tags in project.xml. It doesn't work whether the classloader is root or root.maven

How to use <x:transform> tag cleanly? Any ideas?

Thanks Jiaqi

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