Aside: in my experience using version ranges in released poms is a serious
anti-pattern. I can just about accept arguments for their use in
development poms, but at release time it is my experience that they should
be pinned to the specific version that the release is performed with
(otherwise the release build is not reproducible)

Dependency version ranges are a seductive siren, one that Maven listened
to, and I think in retrospect it was a mistake to listen to that siren.

On 15 May 2013 21:38, <> wrote:

> Is there a maven way to have an artifact of version SNAPSHOT with
> dependencies of type SNAPSHOT that when doing a release via the
> maven-release-plugin can be changed to non-snapshot dependencies, in
> particular actually a **range** of RCs?
> what I want is a POM like this
> ...
> <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> ...
> <dependency>
>    <groupId>...</groupId>
>    <artifactId>...</artifactId>
>    <version>2.1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </dependency>
> that when doing a release build with the maven-release-plugin becomes
> <version></version> <!-- this I control by hand when running
> m-release-p -->
> <dependency>
>    <groupId>...</groupId>
>    <artifactId>...</artifactId>
>    <version>[,]</version>
> </dependency>
> So the versioning scheme i'm following is that all snapshot builds of this
> artifact depend on a snapshot dependency version (2.1.0-SNAPSHOT in my
> example) but that RCs contain a fourth digit that is just an RC counter.
> All this because i can't redeploy a single RC 2.1.0 and the numerical
> quality of a fourth digit seems simpler than an "RC" qualifier which is
> treated lexicographically in a range and which causes a -SNAPSHOT to be
> deemed newer than an -RC
> What I'm trying to avoid is having to update all <dependency> tags  to a
> particular RC count every time there is a new RC of the 2.1.0 dependency.
> This is why i use a range for all the RCs
> At a higher level, what I'm trying to do is simply to have snapshots depend
> on snapshots and RCs depend on the latest RC within a branch, not just the
> newest RC. Feel free to suggest a completely different (correct?) way to do
> this
> Thank you,
> Alejandro Endo | Software Designer/Concepteur de logiciels
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> Thank You.

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