
I'm new to the JNLP plugin and I do not seem to be able to figure out
what it is doing.  I have the following in my project.properties:


When I run "maven jnlp", the jars build and get signed, but the jars
that are left in the target/jnlp directory have names like
medlane__V0.0.1.jar rather than medlane-0.0.1.jar (which is what they
are called in the target/jnlp_temp directory).

The version.xml file that get created and left in target/jnlp has sections like:


I'm new to JNLP too (used it once about a year and a half ago), but it
looks like there is some disjunct here.  I've tried it without
usejarversions too and I get the same jar names in the target/jnlp
directory just no version.xml file.

Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks, Kevin

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