I don't know if this will help you, but besides doing what the post
suggests, I also had to put this:


in one of my project.xml's <dependency> definitions to get the JAR to
load in the same classpath as another JAR that used it. This behavior
is supposed to be deprecated, but I couldn't figure out another way to
get it to work.
On Tue, 07 Sep 2004, at 14:07:18 [GMT -0600] Bill Dudney wrote:

> Another bit of info that I noticed that I left out. The 
> ClassCastException happens in ant because the type and the tasks are 
> loaded by different classloaders. I'm assuming that is what is 
> happening here but being a maven nubie I'm not sure.

> I read this post

> http://maven.apache.org/faq.html#classloader-property

> but I could not make sense of why my stuff is not working. Both try 1 
> and try 2 below should be basically the same thing as what is described 
> in this post (AFAIK). Just for grins I rearranged everything to look 
> exactly like what's in that post and got the same exception.

> Thanks again for any help.

> -bd-

> On Sep 7, 2004, at 1:19 PM, Bill Dudney wrote:

>> Hello,
>> I am trying to define both a custom task and a custom type in a maven 
>> plugin.jelly file.
>> I have tried many different combinations of {type/task}def but have 
>> not been able to get around the ClassCastException problem.
>> first try;
>>     <ant:typedef resource="types.properties" 
>> classpathref="custom.classpath"/>
>>     <ant:taskdef resource="tasks.properties" 
>> classpathref="custom.classpath"/>
>> second try
>>     <ant:typedef resource="types.properties" 
>> classpathref="custom.classpath"
>>                            loaderRef="foo"/>
>>     <ant:taskdef resource="tasks.properties" 
>> classpathref="custom.classpath"
>>                            loaderRef="foo"/>
>> I also tried defining each task and type separately but same result.
>> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
>> TTFN,
>> -bd-


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