I personally prefer Cygwin (http://www.cygwin.com/) or OpenSSH for Windows (http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/) than Putty... just an oppinion.

   Best regards

Eric Giguere wrote:

Presented this way, no, its not.

But, to get around this, we're using here ssh-rsa keys (ssh2). From the client computer (deployment platform), you supply you private key to some ssh agent. On the server, you add your key footprint in the authorized_keys file. Using this scheme, you can log to the remote computer only by supplying the username.

Maven may have to be configured on the deployment machine, depending on the OS. The default ssh client used is ssh. On M$ Win plateforms, you may have to specify another client to be used link plink that comes with the Putty package.

Hope it helps.

Dinko Hadzic wrote:


Is it possible to specify a SSH password to Maven?

I try to execute "maven site:deploy", but the process fails because the
remote SSH server requires a password authentication.

Screen dump:


[exec] The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You

[exec] have no guarantee that the server is the computer you

[exec] think it is.

[exec] The server's rsa key fingerprint is:

[exec] 1024 4a:a6:63:50:8f:5f:94:c2:5f:68:67:28:43:48:67:ac

[exec] Connection abandoned.

[exec] [ERROR] Result: 1



Regards Dinko

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