Hi, I've got the following pregoal in maven.xml

<preGoal name="war:webapp">
  <attainGoal name="xdoclet:webdoclet"/>

which, you know better than me, executes webdoclet before running the war
goal. The web.xml gets generated, ok. Now I want to generate also the
struts-related configuration files. From XDoclet I learn that there is a
nested element for <webdoclet>, <strutsconfigxml> that generates the
struts-related files.

How could I tell to Maven to run also the <strutsconfigxml> nested element
when running webdoclet? I had a look on the internet, and tried to specify
the following properties:


But nothing happens.

I had a look also at the mailing list archives but I didn't find anything
which could help. Could anyone help?


Marco Tedone

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