> I'm using maven-antrun-plugin to execute a thrift shell command. I can
> compile one file per <exec> with <arg value="...path/to/file.thrift" />,
> but I would like to compile all .thrift files in a directory. How can I do
> this?
> I tried using <arg value="...path/to/*.thrift" />, but Maven rejected this
> syntax.

I worked with Thrift (and just like you, using Ant-Run) but I don't
remember my setup anymore. This doesn't look like a Maven/Ant question but
whether thrift can understand your expression.

>From the Thrift homepage, it seems like the Thrift command consumes only 1
Thrift file.

YC | about.me/yclian

"A bit more curious, a lot more conscious."

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