Hi Friends of Adam-

The building I currently live in is getting torn down in a couple of weeks, so I need to find a new apartment. Our landlords have been sending a thugish weenie of a man around every morning at 8AM to take photographs of us and to hurl subpeonas through the door because they're afraid we'll try to squat in their building. He's a strange little Polish mafia thug type sent to intimidate, but the large stuffed animal peering out from the front seat of his car hampers his effectiveness. That's a whole other story for a different time, though. Let's stay focused.

Anyone know of any good apartments? I'm willing to live with people or alone. A cheap studio or one bedroom would probably be ideal, with a studio probably being the best. If I live with people, women would probably be preferable as roommates, or men with a knack for living with other human beings. I would love to stay in Williamsburg because I've grown oddly attached to the overpriced health food stores, and I'm afraid to live too far away from my brother and Lesley. I would live almost anywhere if the place were nice and the price was right, though. I would like to pay under $1300, and under $1000 would be preferable. If I live with people, I'd like to pay less.

Anyway, that's a long winded way of saying please let me know if you know of any nice apartments.

Hope everyone's well.


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