not exactly: the question is not about parent and childs, but about 
pluginManagement injection into build plugins, which works exactly like 
dependencyManagement injection into dependencies

if you define a precise version in the build plugins (or in a dependency), 
dependencyManagement does not change it: defining a version is a way to 
override pluginManagement.

Then the problem here is that parent pom should not have defined a version in 
build/plugins: this is a good practice exactly because it causes the problem 
you're facing: you cannot upgrade the version in child pluginManagement.

The parent pom should be fixed, so you can define a new version in 



notice: the reference documentation is here

Le jeudi 14 novembre 2013 16:20:19 Laird Nelson a écrit :
> Suppose I have a parent pom that makes use of the maven-enforcer-plugin.
>  As a matter of fact I do, and it's public, so you can follow along at home:
>   <parent>
>     <groupId>org.sonatype.oss</groupId>
>     <artifactId>oss-parent</artifactId>
>     <version>7</version>
>   </parent>
> Looking at that pom, there is this snippet in it:
> <build>
> <plugins>
> <plugin>
> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
> <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId>
> <version>1.0</version>
> So it declares this as a plugin that it uses internally, and says it is
> going to use version 1.0.  I understand that.
> I also understand that this plugin definition is inherited.  If I do
> nothing else, and make use of the maven-enforcer-plugin, and do not specify
> a version, I'll get 1.0.
> Suppose now *my* pom--the first generation child--wants to enforce that
> throughout its world maven-enforcer-plugin version 1.3.1 should be used.
> My naive assumption was, oh, that's what pluginManagement is for.  So I put
> this in:
>   <build>
>     <pluginManagement>
>       <plugins>
>         <plugin>
>           <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId>
>           <version>1.3.1</version>
> And it's my understanding that second and greater generation children will
> be forced to use version 1.3.1 as a result of that.  (If I have a child
> that inherits from THIS pom, then he'll use version 1.3.1.)
> However, I notice that while building THIS pom the oss-parent pom is still
> running maven-enforcer-plugin 1.0.  It runs the maven-enforcer-plugin
> during the clean lifecycle, and so when I run mvn clean from my first
> generation child, I get version 1.0.
> This makes a certain amount of sense--my plugin management section probably
> shouldn't affect what versions my parent has chosen.
> On a whim, I *also* added a <plugins> section *in addition* to my
> pluginManagement section:
>   <build>
>     <plugins>
>       <plugin>
>         <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId>
>         <version>1.3.1</version>
> ...and ran again.  This time maven-enforcer-plugin version 1.3.1 was run.
> I had to digest this for a while.  Obviously my <pluginManagement> stanza
> is not in effect--we proved that already.  So my first generation child pom
> can cause its parent pom to use a different version of the plugin by
> specifying a new version in the <plugins> stanza.  Is that a good thing? An
> expected thing?
> On another whim I upped the version here to something enormous and
> nonsensical to really make sure I was seeing what I was seeing:
>         <version>12</version>
> ...and ran again.  This time--with a pluginManagement section specifying
> version 1.3.1 and a parent pom specifying version 1.0 and my own pom
> specifying version 12--Maven tried to download version 12, which of course
> as of this writing does not exist.
> From all this I have gleaned the following information, and I'm hoping
> someone can tell me where I'm wrong (I'm sure I'm wrong somewhere):
> * <pluginManagement> constrains versions for children, should they happen
> to make use of the plugins mentioned therein.  That's all it does.
> * Without children, there is no point in putting in a pluginManagement
> stanza.
> * <pluginManagement> doesn't constrain its sibling <plugins> stanza, nor
> does it constrain anything about its parent, nor does it constrain anything
> inherited from the parent.
> * Specifically, if you have a <build><plugins> stanza **and** a
> <build><pluginManagement> stanza, and they declare the same plugin but
> different versions, then the <build><plugins><version> element will trump
> everything else *in that pom* (not in his children), including any plugin
> declarations from the parent.
> * The versions-maven-plugin's display-plugin-updates goal will tell you
> that everything is up to date and fine if you have a <pluginManagement>
> stanza and no <plugins> section--but as I've already written above your
> first-generation child pom may end up using an older version of a plugin
> anyway, because his parent might have defined it.  Even though your
> pluginManagement stanza declares the proper, up-to-date version, that
> version may not be respected if your parent has a <build><plugins> stanza
> that defines a higher version.
> I hope--if I'm right--this helps others in pinning down a stable set of
> plugins for use throughout your projects, and I welcome any corrections.
> Best,
> Laird

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