you should use mvn clean test to make sure compilation happens everytime.
Otherwise, you can check recent versions of maven-compiler-plugin (3.1)
which introduced some incremental compilation support [1].

And yes, mvn compile will only compile main source code, you should check
the lifecycle reference [2]



2013/11/19 Andrew Pennebaker <apenneba...@42six.com>

> I was refactoring some code, when I noticed unit test errors to do with
> missing methods, as I had forgotten to also refactor my unit tests. These
> sorts of errors should have been caught at compile time, but `mvn test` was
> blissfully running the tests anyway.
> How can I force `mvn compile` to compile src/test/java/**.java files as
> well?
> --
> Cheers,
> Andrew Pennebaker
> apenneba...@42six.com

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