No it isn't a good thing. I never said it was. However I am trying to make a 
case for upgrading and in order to do that I need to test against all of our 
code in a sandbox environment. I am having issues building and was hoping to 
have those resolved. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Wheeler []
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: Version resolution question

I took a quick visit to your web site and I can see why security and stability 
trumps innovation.

I am not sure how working around the corporate security regime would be a good 

Sometimes you just have to honour the trade-offs that management makes and let 
them pay for them.

If your projects take longer and get blocked, you just have to down tools and 
wait (preferably in an executive office) until the decisions and testing get 

Good luck.

On 06/12/2013 7:38 PM, John Dix wrote:
> Yes and Yes.
> It took us 6 months to upgrade from 3.0.3 to 3.0.5 which still hasn't 
> happened or released product yet.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Wheeler []
> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 4:32 PM
> To: John Dix; Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Version resolution question
> Have you provided the Pope with a list of the bugs that have been fixed since 
> the 2.1 shade plug-in?
> Do they understand the great risk and horrible problems to which they are 
> exposing your organization by using a plug-in and an old Maven with known 
> bugs?
> Good luck.
> It is hard enough to fight the bugs that one creates without a corporate 
> structure making progress more difficult.
> Ron
> On 06/12/2013 6:44 PM, John Dix wrote:
>> Sorry, I meant we do not have Shade 2.1 plugin. 2.0 is in our repository.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Dix
>> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 3:25 PM
>> To: Maven Users List;
>> Subject: RE: Version resolution question (was: plugin version ranges
>> errors with Maven 3.1.1)
>> Unfortunately I don't believe that solves the problem. We actually do not 
>> have the Shade plugin in our repositories and so I manually place it into 
>> our .m2 repository into the right place. The reason this is happening 
>> because our organization is big and adding anything to our repository takes 
>> a papal bull and a month of testing. I am trying to build an argument for 
>> our architects to upgrade to Maven 3.1.1 which solves several bugs we're 
>> running into.
>> That is why I am doing all of this.
>> Now, I want to force it to look in .m2 before going anywhere else. I thought 
>> if I used the -o flag to tell I to work offline it would do this, however it 
>> isn't.
>> Is there a way to force it to look in the .m2 for what it needs rather than 
>> having to go to mavencentral?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ron Wheeler []
>> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 3:15 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Version resolution question (was: plugin version ranges
>> errors with Maven 3.1.1)
>>     <mirrors>
>>        <mirror>
>>          <id>nexus</id>
>>          <mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf>
>> <url></url>
>>        </mirror>
>>      </mirrors>
>> This might help
>> Ron
>> On 06/12/2013 6:06 PM, John Dix wrote:
>>> Thanks Curtis and everyone.
>>> I have a follow up question around the same thing build.
>>> The command line I am using: maven clean install
>>> Our 3.1.1 maven build is having issues finding the plugins in our .m2 
>>> directory unless I specify on the command line -Pmavencentral which is 
>>> defined in our .m2/settings.xml as such:
>>>      <profile>
>>>        <id>mavencentral</id>
>>>          <repositories>
>>>            <repository>
>>>              <id>mcentral</id>
>>> <url></url>
>>>              <releases>
>>>                <enabled>true</enabled>
>>>              </releases>
>>>              <snapshots>
>>>                <enabled>false</enabled>
>>>              </snapshots>
>>>            </repository>
>>>          </repositories>
>>>          <pluginRepositories>
>>>            <pluginRepository>
>>>              <id>mcentral</id>
>>> <url></url>
>>>              <releases>
>>>                 <enabled>true</enabled>
>>>              </releases>
>>>              <snapshots>
>>>                 <enabled>false</enabled>
>>>              </snapshots>
>>>            </pluginRepository>
>>>          </pluginRepositories>
>>>        </profile>
>>> Which is our proxy to the public internet mavencentral server.
>>> I have tried using the -o and -U switches at the command line when 
>>> executing without the -Pmavencentral and I receive the following:
>>> [ERROR] Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin:2.1 or
>>> one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Cannot access
>>> qpass-nexus-hosted-releases
>>> (
>>> s
>>> e
>>> s) in offline mode and the artifact
>>> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin:jar:2.1 has not been
>>> downloaded from it before. -> [Help 1]
>>> I want it to look only in the .m2 repository. Is there another -D setting I 
>>> need to speciy? Is there some place I should be looking to see for 
>>> conflicting settings?
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [] On
>>> Behalf Of Curtis Rueden
>>> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 2:34 PM
>>> To: Maven Users List
>>> Subject: Re: plugin version ranges errors with Maven 3.1.1
>>> Hi John,
>>> You might be able to use profiles to define a different version of 
>>> maven-shade-plugin depending on the version of Maven being used. However, 
>>> some caveats:
>>> 1) There is no explicit profile activation for Maven version. The
>>> hack people use is to activate based on the existence of a property
>>> known only to e.g. Maven 3.x. I am not sure what a good property
>>> would be for Maven
>>> 3.1 specifically (i.e., not known to 3.0.x), but one probably exists.
>>> 2) When it comes to profiles, as Stephen Connolly likes to say: "that way 
>>> madness lies." This hack will get your build done for you, but it is a 
>>> hack, and you should never forget that it is a hack. Or to put another way:
>>> it's technical debt. When the debt must be paid is unclear, but e.g.
>>> if the maven-shade-plugin produces a different binary result
>>> depending on which version you use, then you may run into apparently
>>> bizarre problems with users who built using Maven 3.1.1 rather than
>>> an older version, or vice versa, and it may take you some time to
>>> diagnose
>>> *why* it's happening
>>> (surprise: it's because a different version of maven-shade-plugin got 
>>> selected!), and so on.
>>> Such problems are why the other posters in this thread are
>>> encouraging you to just choose a version of maven-shade-plugin that works 
>>> for you.
>>> You
>>> *can* put into your POM that it requires a certain minimum Maven version 
>>> [1], and Maven will (IIRC) just fail fast if the version is too old. That 
>>> is a lot less mysterious than some subtle inconsistency in shaded artifact 
>>> build results. And you'll get truly repeatable builds which are one of the 
>>> fabulous benefits of a well-structured build system.
>>> Regards,
>>> Curtis
>>> [1]
>>> On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 4:20 PM, John Dix <> wrote:
>>>> We are getting build failures when using 3.1.1 and the 2.0 shade plugin.
>>>> It seems to be a documented issue:
>>>> So I wanted to be able to have the same parent pom for our builds
>>>> that still require 3.0.5 which currently sets it to 2.0 and does
>>>> not run into this error.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Wayne Fay []
>>>> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 12:51 PM
>>>> To: Maven Users List
>>>> Subject: Re: plugin version ranges errors with Maven 3.1.1
>>>>> Agreed however I need to support two builds in our environment one
>>>>> that uses Maven 3.0.5 and one that does 3.1.1 without having to
>>>>> change
>>>> the file every time.
>>>> Sorry for asking the obvious question, but what prevents you from
>>>> specifying version [2.0] or whatever and using that with both 3.0.5
>>>> and 3.1.1? Is there some incompatibility I am unaware of presently?
>>>> Wayne
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> -

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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