I have an unusual issue, a product that is ultimately a webapp, but each screen 
is required to be in a separate jar file with no inter-dependencies (though 
they all have dependencies to lower level library jars).  I would like to be 
able to test each of these jar files within the jar module that builds them by 
creating a 'dummy' exploded war file and deploying it to an embedded tomcat.  
By having all the source for the screen in a single module we should be able to 
test each screen in isolation and use JRebel to tweak the code without 
redeployment and perhaps use selenium for a basic UI test of each screen.  We 
use the embedded tomcat because we use tomcat in our final war, so the results 
will be as close as possible, and we use a database resource via tomcat's 
database pool to access the database.
Running the tomcat7:run-war-only goal gives the message 'Skipping non war 
project'.  I am creating a war by explicitly running the war:exploded goal 
after the test-compile phase. 
Is there any miracle of a chance anyone has tried something similar to this and 
succeeded?  Does jetty provide a better alternative (and have the database 
resources configurable like I have in Tomcat)?
Thanks in advance for any consideration of this issue,
Randy Kamradt

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