My development has become a dream since I use maven and maven native plugin
to compile my c++ code with g++.
I also use maven and ANT maven plugin to make package like debian ones (ipk
for uCLinux).
All is versionned, dependencies are resolved... A real dream! Yes, a dream!

I use jenkins a lot exactly as I did before when I used java language.

Now, I don't understand why everybody don't use maven for their C++
compilation, at least under linux (with g++). I think that "make" belongs to
the past and cmake is a nightmare.

It seems to work with MSVC++ compiler, including resource compilation.

In the past, I tried to use maven with borland C++ compiler. It did work
with C++. But maven native plugin does not deal with borland resource
compiler. It does with MSVC++ resource compiler. The solution would have
been to update the maven native plugin (I suggest this with a nice whole
patch to the only one admin of the plugin, but he seems to has become a
zombie... He is the only one admin and is not able to maintains the
plugin... Somebody ready for make and maintain a fork? Maybe myself...). An
other solution would have been to use ANT task to do borland resource
compilation. Ok... Borland is dead... Sorry.

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