Hi all,


I need your point of view/opinion/help on the way to version modules on
multi-modules Maven project. My question: is it really possible ?


I’ve the following (simplified) Maven project:

  Parent (version 1.0)

  |__ module A (version 1.0)

  |__ module B (version 1.0, that depends on module A)

  |__ module C (version 1.0, that depends on module B and A)

  |__ module “packaging” (which create an archive with all needed
libraries/modules to start my application)


All modules have their own version number (that’s the key of my question)

Since all modules are executed in the same JVM, I need to be sure that
modules B & C are using the same version of module A. For this reason, the
version is specified in the <dependencyManagement> section of the parent.


Now, I’ve updated module A (a minor modification, with no impact on
interfaces, or API), so I need to update the version to 1.1

This new version have to be also specified on the parent. This update force
me to update the parent to 1.1

This new parent version needs to be taken into account on all other modules
(B, C, packaging)

So, I need to update B, C, packaging version to something like 1.0.1


At the end, all modules version have been changed ?!...


How could I avoid this ? (I think that I have already the answer…)


Thanks !


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