Well our current "icon" is somebody's arse behind a laptop... Which with a
cleaner site looks a tad odd

With the old header bar it was fine though

I have no issue changing the font or colouring, but I think an actual icon
or emblem is something good to have.

There was some effort to pick a new font, and I would be happy to see
examples with a different font... My typographic skills are not near the
level of my poor sketching skills, so I have been hoping somebody else
could tackle the lettering

On Thursday, 2 January 2014, Mark Derricutt wrote:

> Is it me or are a lot of these purely changing the icon, not the "logo".
> i.e. is the "logo" inclusive of the "mAven" name ( side question - why is
> the A always a different colour, historic Ant reference? )
> On 3 Jan 2014, at 2:18, Stephen Connolly wrote:
> > As 9 is particularly problematic I have sketched -14 which is not a
> direct
> > copy of a silhouette. This still has the issue w.r.t. other marks called
> > maven using a silhouetted raven...

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