> Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2014 16:11:02 -0800
> Subject: Re: Topologically sorted list of Artifacts for use by a plugin?
> From: ljnel...@gmail.com
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 6:17 PM, Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > MG>so I would say you are definitely on the right track
> >
> Thanks; I'm not sure I am.
> > MG>any reason for topological sorting of dependencies?
> >
> In my original post, I wrote:
> (As background: I am working with Liquibase (http://www.liquibase.org/).
> > Each of my .jar projects has a META-INF/liquibase/changelog.xml file in
> > it. Various of these .jar projects already depend on each other--for unit
> > and integration testing, I'd like to use this dependency order, harvest the
> > changelog.xml resources in each .jar file, and then combine them to create
> > only the database tables actually needed for the test. If a.jar has A's
> > tables, and b.jar has B's tables and b.jar depends on a.jar, then I'd like
> > to run a.jar!/META-INF/liquibase/changelog.xml first, then
> > b.jar!/META-INF/liquibase/changelog.xml next, and I'd like to not have to
> > specify this in any place in my pom.xmls, since the dependency order is
> > already captured there.)
> So the fact that I'm using
> ProjectSorter<http://maven.apache.org/ref/3.0.5/maven-core/apidocs/org/apache/maven/project/ProjectSorter.html>strikes
> me as wrong—worse than wrong: an awful hack, in fact—because I am
> basically using the reactor to sort MavenProjects that I've roped in from
> elsewhere. Yucko.
> Various people have noted tersely that the maven-dependency-plugin is what
> I want. Of course, its *goals* are completely useless for this task
MG_01_05>I went the same tack but I couldnt find a goal to collect all the 
dependencies so I deprecated that thought process


> buried in an obscure StackOverflow comment tangentially related to the
> maven-dependency-plugin I found a reference to this class:
> http://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-dependency-tree/apidocs/index.html?org/apache/maven/shared/dependency/graph/DependencyGraphBuilder.html
> If I understand it right, then code like the following should do the
> trick
> (untested, but you get the general idea):
> public class Artifacts {
> private final DependencyGraphBuilder dependencyGraphBuilder;
> public Artifacts(final DependencyGraphBuilder dependencyGraphBuilder) {
> super();
> this.dependencyGraphBuilder = dependencyGraphBuilder;
> }
> public Collection<? extends Artifact>
> getDependencyArtifactsInTopologicalOrder(final MavenProject project) throws
> DependencyGraphBuilderException {
> List<Artifact> returnValue = null;
> final DependencyNode projectNode =
> this.dependencyGraphBuilder.buildDependencyGraph(project, null /* no
> ArtifactFilter; prob. need one */);
> assert projectNode != null;
> final CollectingDependencyNodeVisitor visitor = new
> CollectingDependencyNodeVisitor();
> projectNode.accept(visitor);
> final Collection<? extends DependencyNode> nodes = visitor.getNodes();
> if (nodes != null && !nodes.isEmpty()) {
> returnValue = new ArrayList<Artifact>();
> for (final DependencyNode node : nodes) {
> if (node != null) {
> final Artifact artifact = node.getArtifact();
> if (artifact != null) {
> returnValue.add(artifact);
> }
> }
> }
> if (!returnValue.isEmpty()) {
> Collections.reverse(returnValue);
> }
> }
> return returnValue;
> }
> }
MG_01_05>An excellent test-case for maven-dependency-tree
> I think that might be the right way to do it. It's unclear to me how
> Maven's internals themselves make use of this class, but it is probably
> used somewhere, and it clearly hides and mediates between the Sonatype
> Aether and
MG_01_05>most of the Original Sonatype authors monitor this list..

> Eclipse Aether kerfuffle that occurred between 3.0.5 and 3.1.x,
MG_01_05>a fair amount of confusion once IBM orphaned Eclipse to OpenSource 
MG_01_05>The one 'positive' we 'gain' is seamless integration to Eclipse IDE..

> so this also seems like something that isn't going to be deprecated any
> time soon.
MG_01_05>lets hope..!

> IWBNI there were a quick primer in the documentation somewhere about how
> Maven loads its own guts. I know that fundamentally Maven is just a bundle
> of components that get instantiated and wired together by Plexus but it
> sure is confusing to try to figure out how and where something is called—as
> a result when there are problems you have to go digging through, well,
> obscure StackOverflow questions. :-)
MG_01_05>usually if we can funnel the permutations of thought processes to one 
specific question an answer will be MG_01_05>shortly forthcoming for a real 
adventure in managing maven repositories thru Embedding I invite you to take 
ride on MG_01_05>the Aether train

> Best,
> Laird
MG_01_05>Thanks for taking time to 'think this through'
MG_01_05>All the Best, Martin-
> -- 
> http://about.me/lairdnelson


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