Yes I am trying to use maven jar plugin only. But how to use includes ,
excludes etc I am not getting. Can u send me a sample code.

-----Original Message-----
From: dan tran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 2:09 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: creating jar files with excludes and includes

Have you given maven-jar-plugin doc a look?



On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 21:12:59 +0530, Ashutosh Kumar
> Hi
> I want to know how to make jar files in maven . I use to do in ant
> way(see below). How same thing I  should do in Maven?
> Thanx & Regds
> Ashutosh
> <goal name="compile_pcmejb">
>            <!--
>                <javac srcdir="${src.root}" destdir="${build.temp.dir}"
>                -->
>                <javac srcdir="${src.root}"
> destdir="${build.pcm.classes.dir}"
> *,com/**/pcm/dataobjects/**"
>                        failonerror="true"
>                        verbose="off"
>                        debug="true"
>                        debuglevel="lines,vars,source"
>                        classpathref="project.classpath">
>                </javac>
>                <attainGoal name="create_temp_pcmejbjar"/>
>        </goal>
>        <preGoal name="compile_pcmejb">
>                <attainGoal name="compile_cfmcore"/>
>        </preGoal>
>        <goal name="create_temp_pcmejbjar">
>                <!-- KRM probably need to rename this to
> in the future
>                to support different versions of Weblogic as we go
> further along-->
>                <jar jarfile="${build.lib.dir}/pcmejb.jar">
>                        <!-- Include all the Remote,Home Interfaces and
> Beans for PCM application -->
>                        <fileset dir="${build.pcm.classes.dir}">
>                                <include
> name="com/cfm/pcm/**/CFM*Session.class"/>
>                                <include
> name="com/cfm/pcm/**/CFM*SessionBean.class"/>
>                                <include
> name="com/cfm/pcm/**/CFM*SessionHome.class"/>
>                                <include
> name="com/cfm/pcm/**/CFM*Bean.class"/>
>                                <!-- just to eliminate web bean
> classes-->
>                                <exclude name="com/cfm/pcm/web/**/*"/>
>                                <exclude
> name="com/cfm/pcm/**/CFMSession.class"/>
>                        </fileset>
>                        <metainf dir="${build.temp.dir}/META-INF">
>                        </metainf>
>                </jar>
>        </goal>
>        <preGoal name="create_temp_pcmejbjar">
>                <attainGoal name="create_tempdir_copyejbxml"/>
>        </preGoal>

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