Please read my answer to a similar question on Stack Overflow:

On 23 March 2014 21:36, Henrik Østerlund Gram <> wrote:

> I stumbled over some rather strange behaviour regarding properties.  It
> seems properties generated by one plugin are not always resolved for other
> plugins and I can't figure out why.
> I use a plugin to make info about the git branch available in the
> properties so it can be passed to other plugins.  The particular plugin
> does not seem important, but I've included it here for sake of
> completeness:
> <plugin>
> <groupId>com.code54.mojo</groupId>
> <artifactId>buildversion-plugin</artifactId>
>  <version>1.0.3</version>
> <configuration>
> <tstamp_format>yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm</tstamp_format>
>  </configuration>
> <executions>
> <execution>
>  <goals>
> <goal>set-properties</goal>
> </goals>
>  </execution>
> </executions>
> </plugin>
> But when I referenced the properties set by the plugin in an env entry for
> the maven ear plugin, the properties were not resolved at all:
> <envEntries>
> <env-entry>
> <description>Middleware build information</description>
>  <env-entry-name>java:app/env/sw-version</env-entry-name>
> <env-entry-type>java.lang.String</env-entry-type>
>  <env-entry-value>${build-commit} @ ${build-tstamp} built on
> ${}</env-entry-value>
> </env-entry>
> </envEntries>
> Just to be sure, I used the latest maven and tried both version 2.9 of the
> plugin and the latest from the repo with the same result.
> The only way I managed to fix this was to patch the maven-ear-plugin
> itself, adding the following code in GenerateApplicationXmlMojo.execute():
> // Fix env variable substitutions
> Properties props = project.getProperties();
> PlexusConfiguration[] entries = envEntries.getChildren();
> if (entries != null) {
>     for (PlexusConfiguration entry : entries) {
>         if ("env-entry".equals(entry.getName())) {
>             PlexusConfiguration[] envEntryChildren = entry.getChildren();
>             if (envEntryChildren != null) {
>                 for (PlexusConfiguration envEntryChild : envEntryChildren)
> {
> envEntryChild.setValue(StrSubstitutor.replace(envEntryChild.getValue(),
> props));
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> Then it worked just fine, but I don't understand why this is necessary.  I
> thought whatever called the plugin was supposed to have done the variable
> substitution already.  So clearly the properties were present at the time
> of executing the plugin, but they werent being automaticly substituted.
> To add to the confusion, using ${project.version} in the env-entry-value
> was resolved just fine, but just not the properties coming from another
> plugin despite the plugins being run in the correct order.
> To further add to the confusion, I then used maven ant-run plugin, echoing
> the values of properties which worked just fine (!)
> While I solved the problem for me by making a locally patched version of
> the ear plugin, it's not really a solution I favour, so I hope someone can
> provide a better and more permanent fix.
> Regards,
> Henrik Gram

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