
For those who are interested in incremental builds we, at Takari, have released 
a general purpose incremental build API with an initial focus on Maven. We've 
created a short, high-level description of the framework[1] and we've opened up 
our Git repository with the code[2]. We also have a some demos that people can 
look at[3]. We are, and have been, running this code in production for a few 
months but it is still a work in progress. We have implemented a Maven 
lifecycle that integrates this API but we've just started using it ourselves. 
We will open this lifecycle up shortly for people to try but for now, if you're 
interested in incremental builds take a look and let us know what you think! 

A note to those interested that the use of the API in Maven requires 3.2.1+. 

[1]: http://takari.io/2014/03/25/incremental-build.html
[2]: https://github.com/takari/io.takari.incrementalbuild



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven

I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no 

-- Edward Gibbon

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