Weird, many users reported the 2.5 had fixed their issues.

What (version) are you actually using for:
* maven
* maven-release-plugin (triple-check you hadn't redefined maven-scm-*
dependency somewhere)
* svn ? Git ? Something else ?

On a unrelated subject : issuing a "mvn clean install deploy" command shows
a tiny misunderstanding of how Maven works. You're asking maven to install
twice (said differently "deploy" already includes the steps from "install").


2014-03-28 10:59 GMT+01:00 ghostwolf59 <>

> Hi,Occasionally we have a need to perform a formal release on unfinished
> work
> so it can be tracked.These snapshot releases would in effect be releases
> identical to a formal release with the exception that the snapshot for a
> set
> release is tagged with a time stamp when released into archiva's snapshot
> repository.We used to get around this by issuing the mvn clean
> release:prepare release:perform where we overwrite the proposed/suggested
> release at the prompt by qualifying the release number followed by
> appending
> "-SNAPSHOT"The build would be done identical to a formal release where the
> scm branch is created for the snapshot in  our svn source repo and the
> built
> snapshot would be released into our internal "snapshot" repo (oppose to
> formal non snapshot releases that ends up in the "releases" repo)This used
> to work really well but recently I don't seem to be able to overwrite the
> version at the prompt - when I do it simple prompts me again
> <
> >
> It's a weird one - this have been proven to be working previously but
> suddenly it don't seem to work any more.The release plugin i currently use
> is v2.5 - in the past I used v 2.2.2 successfully.By reverting back to
> v2.2.2 of org.apache.maven.plugins.maven.release-plugin this work perfectly
> <
> >
> Is this a known issue and is it linked to v2.5 of the maven release plugin
> ?I can do snapshot releases using mvn clean install deploy but that would
> not branch tag the source and would not generate site infoBottom line -
> does
> anyone know how this can be done using the most recent
> maven-release-plugin?
> --
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> Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS -
> Sauvez un arbre,
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