This is very puzzling.

For years I've used the maven-release-plugin to automate my releases with
no trouble.

Now, on a particular project on GitHub, it is incorrectly transforming my
pom.xml and attempting to release the project as a snapshot.

The project is drop-dead brainlessly simple.  It is a single-module project.

The version is of the form 1.X.X-SNAPSHOT to start with.  Let's say it's at

I run mvn release:prepare and answer all the prompts with the defaults, as
I have for years.  It correctly surmises that the release version should be
1.0.3 and the new dev version should be 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT.

It then transforms the pom.xml (apparently), and (apparently) tags the repo.

When I investigate the file, it looks OK.

However, when I look at the contents of the tag just created, it has the
wrong version in it (1.0.3-SNAPSHOT).  I've tried this back to back, and
sometimes the tag has really random old versions: it's almost like the git
checkout command that the release plugin issues is checking out the wrong
branch or otherwise screwing things up--and all of a sudden, for no
discernible reason.

When I then do a release:perform, what gets mvn deploy'ed is a snapshot
version instead of the expected release version.  Investigating
target/checkout shows that the wrong branch--or perhaps the "right"
branch/tag with the wrong contents--is what was "perform"ed on.

This behavior has never happened to me before and I have not added any
settings or changed anything.  I'm using Maven 3.0.5, the release plugin
version 2.4.2 and Apple git  Completely stumped.

This is really just a plea for help with shotgunning in the dark; has
anyone observed behavior remotely like this before?



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