Am 2014-06-12 16:46, schrieb Hohl, Gerrit:
Hello everyone, :)
Does someone know a good book or tutorial which handles all of these
issues around Maven and CI/CD in more depth?

Hi Gerrit,

here is the approach I have been using all the years, I think this is quite common in companies:

1. Set up a Nexus instance in your company, mirroring Central and with release/snapshot repos for your company.

1.1 Make sure that Nexus works correctly.

2. Let the CI server deploy SNAPSHOTs of you libraries deploy to your Nexus instance frequently.

3. Refer to those SNAPSHOTs in your project POMs if you need bleeding edge. This makes it easier to soak in fixed bugs in deps. If you think that your lib is stable enough, release to SCM and Nexus.

4. Use the maven-versions-plugin to update your project dependencies and or fix to a release version.

It is perfectly fine to rely on SNAPSHOTs during development but not when you perform mvn release:prepare release:perform.



PS: Upgrade your Maven version to a new one if you are able to.

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