
On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 12:49 PM, William Ferguson <> wrote:

> I have a Mojo that needs to work with Maven 3.0.* and 3.1+
> In the Mojo I have an Artifact and I need to resolve it's dependencies.
> How can/should I do it?
> If I can resolve the Artifact to a MavenProject then I can use
> DependencyGraphBuilder (from maven-dependency-tree) to construct a graph of
> the deps. But I'm struggling to make the Artifact to MavenProject
> conversion happen.
> I thought that If I could get a URL to the Artifact's POM file then I
> could use DefaultMavenRuntime (maven-runtime) to resolve the URL into a
> MavenProject. But
>    1. I can't work out how to get a URL to the artifact's POM file (it
>    needs to handle both reactor deps and repo deps)
>    2. Even with a URL to the POM file, MavenRuntime#getProject) is
>    returning null.
> Can someone please point me in the right direction?
> Am I even on the right path or is there a much more straight forward way
> of getting the dependencies for the Artifact?
> William

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