
> Hi guys,

some students have created a nice Maven plugin: http://clashinspector.com
It analyzes potential problems regarding version clashes between
(transient) dependencies.
It has a nice HTML view (but can also be used from the console).

Just give it a shot:

mvn com.clashinspector:clashinspector-maven-plugin:0.9:html

for console output:
mvn com.clashinspector:clashinspector-maven-plugin:0.9:tree
mvn com.clashinspector:clashinspector-maven-plugin:0.9:list

Next week they have the possibility to present their results. And it
would be great if they had some testimonials from the Maven community.
So please feel free to add your feedback: (Even one line will be helpful)

First the site does not represent the correct state of your release 0.9 ..the page shows 0.3 (http://clashinspector.com/index.html) and some sub pages show 0.3-SNAPSHOT (http://clashinspector.com/version_clash_details.html) ... It would be helpfull if an up to date documentation is online...in particular if is in Maven central...

First this plugin looks good (the output looks really good), but some of the intentions
of the plugin do exist already in tasts of the
maven-enforcer-plugin (http://maven.apache.org/enforcer/enforcer-rules/dependencyConvergence.html) which exactly checks such dependency convergence problems...and can fail a build in such cases....

What i don't understand is the html goal which starts Jersey but does not create anything ? The following i got:

Jun 29, 2014 12:50:29 AM org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler initialize INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version Jersey: 2.8 2014-04-29 01:25:26... [WARNING] Couldn't open File with default-browser. Please open file manually under: /var/folders/22/mdbr7dbx7ln66nz3yhrhph_h0000gn/T/clashInspector.html [INFO] Local ClashInspector-Server running on port 8090. To stop server press enter.

Apart from that above i'm not sure it looks like i've found a little "bug" cause i have started that against one of my plugins...and compared it with the mvn dependency:tree ...

In the output of dependency:tree i found an dependency testng which is not listed as an dep in clashinspector output cause testng is defined in scope:test...furthermore junit is listed as a dependency with scope:compile cause testng is defined as scope:test which is not transitive...

But this should be inspected very carefully...handling of dependencies in Maven is not a trivial job...

Kind regards
Karl-Heinz Marbaise

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